Metpads are feet Mothers

Did your mom ever tell you to sit up straight? I bet she did. And I bet you slumped back into your lazy sitting posture about two minutes later. 

Metpads are the physical version of your mother's words, but they focus on the posture of your feet instead of your back. They essentially activate a reflex in the front of your arch that causes it to contract and engage. There's a good chance that your feet have completely forgotten how to do this.

Thankfully metpads don't stop working after 2 minutes. As long as you are wearing  your shoes with the metpads in them, your arches are going to be reminded to contract and engage. 

So yeah, your arches are going to be sore at first. That's why we recommend starting with level 1 or 2. It's more like a gentle poke rather than a forceful shove.

Health Benefits

Metpads work to undo the harmful affects of modern footwear. By triggering a reflex in your arch to engage, metpads help your feet learn how to be strong. Traditional footwear often has a high heel and toe spring. These features reshape and weaken your feet, especially your arch. Metpads fix that.

Metpads make you less reliant on modern footwears cushioning. The arch of the foot is actually three arches. Transverse, medial and lateral. Working together these muscles expand and contract to absorb the impact of landing. They also work closely with the Achilles tendon and calve muscles, so if you have Achilles Tendonitis these could go a long way in helping you recover. 

Training Levels 1-5

We supply 5 levels of metpads so that you can progressively train your arches.

  1. Level 1 will only affect those with completely collapsed and debilitated arches. For those of you just starting your barefoot journey, this is the place to start.
  2. Level 2 Slighted more raised than level 2, these are ideal for those without any foot health issues, but haven't ever trained in barefoot or in minimalist shoes.
  3. Level 3 If you've trained or walked in minimalist shoes or walked around barefoot you can go to level 3, make sure to go slow and observe how your feet feel the day after training.
  4. Level 4 for more expert users level 4 will put a lot of pressure on your transverse arch ensure your arches are fully engaged. 
  5. Level 5 is for the experts. Those with either naturally high arches or who have been training barefoot for years. Your arches will be in the "always on" position, so even if you think your feet are pretty strong be ready for soreness the day after or even the day of training. 

Here's a little tutorial on how to get the metpads in and out of your insoles/shoes.

Performance Benefits

Besides reactivating dormant arch muscles metpads will help your toes learn to press into the ground, increasing proprioception, balance and power. The brain foot connection is not automatic. It will take time to strength the nervous system and obtain the skill necessary to benefit from increase toe pressure. But with time, expect to see performance improvements. From better balance and agility to more speed and acceleration. Your toes can help you take your game to the next level. 


Metpads are a crucial tool for rehabbing your feet, they can be purchased online and added to Insoles, but they don't come in multiple exchangeable sizes. With Prevolve Footwear's custom cleats they come as an add on option for $50. 

If you want to have a healthy body and strong feet add Metpads to your life and reap the rewards of an activated arch!



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